Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Big G.C.

Also known as General Conference, the Big G.C. is a special time: a time when Mormons all over the world can gather together as one to laugh at subtle, witty Mormon jokes, continue Mormon family traditions, and just plain be...Mormon. Because Mormons are cool.

And while I've sat listening to the Mo-Tab (that big choir) and listening...attentively, I thought: Mormons really are cool! We have, like, our own culture and EVERYTHING! We have our own movies, our own music, our own food (funeral potatoes...Rhodes rolls...) ...our own capital city.... So why shouldn't the world know how freakin cool we really are? Maybe somebody should make a documentary about it.

And Mormon humor.... I love it! I love that (I am about to butcher the spelling of his name) Dieder Uchtdorf made fun of us for singing about trees that produce popcorn and singing bodies of water. Because REALLY...what the heck?

The bottom line is that we're cool people. No matter what anybody else says...or doesn't say? Or the looks you get when you say you don't drink, and your parents don't drink. That's a cool thing to be able to say!

I think the bottom line is that I just want all of you girls, my bestest friends, to know that Mormonness = happiness. Maybe not directly...maybe right now it's really tough and sometimes it's not very fun, but in the long run, it IS happiness. To be a Mormon is to be happy. I love it, and I want all of you to love it. Sometimes it seems like everything is gloom-and-doom, like all that you ever hear is being chastised and how you're not doing anything the right way...but the truth is that you're all great! You're all such amazing, fantastic people. You shine! All of you!

So, be happy. :) You're a Mormon!



Jordyn Ashli Baker.

Peace. Love. CTR.

1 comment:

  1. You are so talented Jordyn! I love this post! I hope you know how much I appreciate you! You are amazing! Post more!
